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Consequences of having an illegal basement apartment in Toronto

Building permit

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If you believe having an illegal basement apartment in Toronto will save you money, you might want to reconsider!


One frequently asks where the costs might be cut, and they may even consider establishing an illegal basement apartment. We’re talking about unlawful basement apartments that don’t have sufficient permits.


Permits are approvals and licences required by the regulatory authorities to legalise your building. They are only granted following prior inspections and certifications on your property. The ‘Ontario Building Code,’ which was adopted in 1992, is followed in Toronto. In Toronto, legal basement apartments are governed by Chapter 150 of the Toronto Zoning By-Law. The standards for complying with the laws are fairly precise. The minimum ceiling height for a legal basement apartment, for example, is 1.95M. There are numerous such laws governing plumbing, heating and cooling, electrical, and fire safety, among other things. If you do not have the necessary permits for your buildings, your property or building is considered illegal.


Such illicit property might result in a slew of consequences that could cost you a fortune. If someone believes that your property is illegal, they can notify the city to conduct an inspection, which may result in the authorities pursuing legal action against you and forcing you to return to a single dwelling unit, which can be quite expensive.


Furthermore, you cannot monetize your second dwelling unit by renting it to any tenant because there is a considerable risk that they will discover that the dwelling unit is illegal and would negatively impact your total terms and conditions.



Another significant ramification of owning an unlawful basement apartment in Toronto is the risk to one’s life. The laws that govern legal permits are in existence for a reason. The rationale for this is to keep persons in and around the unit safe from any accidents or dangers. An unlawful unit may not always meet the regulatory bodies’ basic requirements, putting the people who live in the basement apartment at risk. For example, if your unit does not satisfy electrical and fire safety regulations and a flood or fire happens, there is a danger of death or irreversible damage to the occupant.


Furthermore, if you have an illegal basement apartment in Toronto, you are always at risk of being sued for your property. The paperwork involved in the case, the fines, and the damage done are not worth it. Furthermore, forget about getting your property insured because insurance companies will not insure unlawful property.


Finally, the weight of these consequences costs you your peace of mind. Why go through all of this trouble when you can have a legal basement apartment with all of the appropriate permissions from us? We can not only provide you with permit drawings that comply with the Ontario Building Code, but we can also ensure that your intended apartment construct is taken into account so that you can have your apartment created just how you’ve always imagined it. Our professionals can advise you and obtain the required approvals from the regulatory organisations so that you never have to worry about any of the aforementioned issues.While it may cost a little money, you will save yourself a lot of problems in the long run if you had an illegal basement apartment in Toronto. Contact our team at 2267477966 or and we will not only assist you legalise your basement apartment but also obtain the appropriate building permits.

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